Between Dog and Wolf

When the sun sets and Taiwan's nightlife emerges in the darkness, shadows appear in the electric haze and the small theater of the city comes alive. I approach street photography exactly as I approach wildlife photography, with the same process. I place myself "upwind", I find my frame, my light, and I just have to let the protagonists come, without disturbing them... instinct will do the rest. In the evening, just after 6pm, the Taiwanese start to go back home, the sun falls, the rhythm of the heart slows down, as does that of the city. : it is at this precise moment that, more than ever, Formosa seems to escape time, torn between deeply rooted traditions and galloping modernity. The instincts are released because with the natural light which fades, each one lowers the guard, the social codes vanish a little, the appearances slacken. It is in this breach opened in the half-light that our animal nature is revealed, within the city itself.

Between dog and wolf is a series that questions our animality. Mainly attracted by documentary photography, street photography and reportage, I wish to show the Anima, from the Latin "breath", "soul", from which comes the term "Animal". An increasingly shaded part of our collective unconscious to which I constantly cling. That's why I photograph humans exactly as I photograph other animals.

My photography has always been influenced by cinema and I feel more than ever in this series that my imagination is carried by Wong Kar-wai, Hou Hsiao-Hsien or Shohei Imamura ... It is then, surrounded by the light of temples, neon lights and lanterns, that the Taiwanese become the characters of a film. A film entitled : “Between dog and wolf”.